Tips for a Healthy Social Feed

Tips for a Healthy Social Feed

Cut the Noise, clean your feed.

Do you like noise? I do not like noise. They are obstructions to my flow. They suck my energy out. If I can not switch off the noise, then I have to put in invisible headphones to block them. Generally, in the physical space, I am not the creator of that noise. Lately, I am aiming to be more mind fold on what I consume in the digital world. And to my shock, my virtual space was really noisy. It was cluttered and full of crap. Till now I was consuming those news, information which was not at all benefiting me, but was overwhelming and became like an energy vampire. It did consume me, my time, my mental space.

I identified this problem which was not leading to my goal. And then I worked on a plan to find a solution. I looked at all my social profiles and thought about what I want to do with them. How would I like to create a “Brand me”, who are the people with whom I would like to be connected and learn from their experiences, which are the hashtags I want to follow to keep myself updated with the industry trends. I unsubscribed from so many newsletters, which I do not even remember reading recently. I unfollowed many companies as I did not find value in seeing their information in my feed. I was shocked to see the number of connections on LinkedIn. It seemed that I had become like a bot and accepted each and every invite and was sending connection requests to every HR Professional! The same was true with my Twitter and Insta profile. I did try to search if there is an easy way to unfollow people in one bulk. But sadly there is none. It’s so easy to hit the accept/ follow button and it’s extremely hard to clean up your “virtual room” later.

Quality is so important in your virtual space. It’s a waste of time to follow/ get connected with so many people, I literally mean, so many people and never having any meaningful conversation with them. I am still not happy with the number of connections that I have at present right now. But at least I managed to bring the number from thousands to a few hundred. One more cleaning spree is on the cards definitely!

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Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.