Introducing ShikhaShikz Marketing

Introducing ShikhaShikz Marketing

Thank you to everyone for the overwhelming good wishes and congratulatory messages following my announcement of venturing into my own marketing consultancy. The excitement is still settling in, and, like any new endeavor, I am navigating the uncharted waters of my “new venture” and “new title.”

Had you asked me whether venturing into entrepreneurship was part of my grand plan, my unequivocal response would have been a resounding no! The notion of starting my own company wasn’t on the drawing board; if anything, I had envisaged a path as a freelancer. Yet, as life is wont to do, it often unfolds in ways we least anticipate. I find myself not only at the crossroads of unexpected turns but joyfully wielding the baton of my own enterprise.

In the intricate dance of life’s choices, I am elated to have been presented with the opportunity to carve a unique path. While the idea of steering my own ship was not initially on the horizon, embracing the unforeseen has been a rewarding decision. Choosing to pick up the entrepreneurial baton has not only altered the trajectory of my professional journey but has also infused it with a newfound sense of purpose and excitement.

Little did I foresee that the insights extracted from “The Diary of a CEO” would seamlessly intertwine with my personal reflections, mirroring the unforeseen challenges encountered on my entrepreneurial journey. Initially drawn to the book by a genuine curiosity about the minds of founders, CEOs, and C-suite executives, I embarked on this literary exploration due to my close professional involvement with these leaders. My objective was to grasp their perspectives, unravel the complexities they faced, and ascertain how a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) could emerge as a trusted ally in achieving business objectives. What started as a source of inspiration and knowledge in those pages unknowingly transformed into a prelude to my own narrative as a CEO.

Today, as ShikhaShikz Marketing takes its first steps, I carry with me the unexpected transformation from reader to CEO. The journey has added layers of depth to my understanding of the challenges faced by business leaders, fortifying my commitment to aiding you in overcoming similar hurdles.

With infectious enthusiasm, I now embark on a journey to assist you in achieving your business objectives. What does ShikhaShikz Marketing bring to the table?

End-to-End Marketing Consultancy and Advisory Services

Whether your goal is to amplify sales, elevate brand awareness, carve out a niche, acquire new customers, or rectify issues like a leaky sales funnel, we stand ready to be your strategic partner.

Choose Your Focus Area:

A – Audience, Account Based Marketing

B - Branding

C - Conversion

D – Demand Generation,Digital Marketing

E - Engagement, Events

F - Funnel

G - Growth

H - Hierarchy of Effects

I - Influencer

J - Journey Mapping

K - Key Performance Indicator

L - Lead Generation

M - Market Research

N - Niche

O - Outreach

P - Persona

Q - Qualitative Data

R – Retargeting, Revenue

S - Social Media

T - Target Audience

U - User Experience

V - Value Proposition

W - Word-of-Mouth

X - eXperience

Y - Yield Management

Z - Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT)

Book a Consultation

What specific challenges are you facing in your business? Click here to book a consultation, and let’s collaboratively shape solutions aligned with your objectives.

Website Coming Soon!

Stay tuned for the launch of my website; an announcement is on the horizon. In the meantime, explore snippets of my past learning experiences here.

Thank you for being part of this exhilarating journey. Let’s step in the Business of Marketing!!

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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