Tangential relationship on your Goals Stickiness

Tangential relationship on your Goals Stickiness

Why do we go tangent from our goals?

By Shikha, on
Rushed Deadlines are a pass

Rushed Deadlines are a pass

Which Deadline are you Chasing Today?

By Shikha, on
How often do you write

How often do you write

Practise, Practise, and Practise. There is no end to practise.

By Shikha, on


Shutup if all you hear is your own voice and what you think is a...

By Shikha, on
Length of a post

Length of a post

The length and breadth does not matter. The depth matters!

By Shikha, on


Fear shuts us, and makes us blind to the realitya round us.

By Shikha, on
Outpour of Emotions

Outpour of Emotions

Sometimes it comes easily, and sometimes it’s hard to express that emotion, exactly the way...

By Shikha, on


When Art and Science, comes together, MAGIC HAPPENS!

By Shikha, on
Have you discovered it?

Have you discovered it?

What is the core of Personal Branding?

By Shikha, on
What are the stereotypes which makes your crazy

What are the stereotypes which makes your crazy

Moment which made me cringe.

By Shikha, on


If you have lost Material possessions, there is a chance that you can get it...

By Shikha, on
The Land of Thousand Ladders

The Land of Thousand Ladders

Primed To Perform debunks a myth.

By Shikha, on
Look Around, and you will definitely smile

Look Around, and you will definitely smile

Binge watching on Nature and things around you can also make you happy. You just...

By Shikha, on
In Conversation

In Conversation

It’s been a while that I was in a conversation!

By Shikha, on
Install the Latest Version

Install the Latest Version

We are so serious about the latest versions of the technology, that we never loose...

By Shikha, on
Challenging the status quo of marketing

Challenging the status quo of marketing

For the unicorns who dare to dream about becoming 1% better each week.

By Shikha, on
Resource Leverage

Resource Leverage

Resource Leverage Creates Competitive Advantage

By Shikha, on
Is Time running slow or Am I moving Fast

Is Time running slow or Am I moving Fast

Either I have to start using a stopwatch or ditch the clock altogether!!

By Shikha, on
KnowSamisha Series

KnowSamisha Series

Should I rush or take it slow? I have already burnt my hands, by rushing...

By Shikha, on
Welcome yourself to a TRIBE

Welcome yourself to a TRIBE

Are you a Part of any TRIBE?

By Shikha, on