Opinions, passing Judgements

Opinions, passing Judgements

We rattle opinions, judgements, as easily as we breathe! It has become our second nature and we take PRIDE in it. It’s a sad situation. If we would have spent exactly the same time talking about ourselves, we would have gone miles.

We have an opinion on everything. We even don’t leave nature out of it. That plant is perfect, this plant does not give me joy or is not a feast to my eyes. We do have the guts to pass judgement on everything and anything under the sun (living and non-living both). Apart from self-talk, have you ever seen anybody vocal about their selves? This is not what I should have done, next time I will improve on it. I should not have reacted in this way, next time I will watch my emotions and so on. We graciously leave ourselves out of the opinionated space. After all, when did PERFECTION needed an opinion!

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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