Tips to Ace up Learning

Tips to Ace up Learning

In one of my recent Insta posts, I had highlighted what are the tips which are working for me to ace up my learning:

✅ Follow the Experts in the subject of your interest

📚Read, what they are reading

🌟Attend the webinars and listen to the podcasts

✍️Capture your key takeaways in a post

Adding the fifth one, you can not keep on looking for Inspiration every other day and re drawing your board. Once you have made a plan stick to it. As in my previous post, I did mention that there will be variations depending on how that day is unfolding, but more or less if there is a plan, it will pull you back to the basics.

I can not help sharing this post on the first initial wins from Seth Godin

Remember, Cut the noise, Define your Plan and Stick to it!

Shikha Creates the Zing factor in Marketing | Books are my Best Friend , Tea is my favorite beverage & Travelling to places is my hobby | A story teller.
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